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12 Angry Jurors

November 7, 8, 9, 2024
12 Angry Jurors

adapted by Sherman L. Sergel

these seemingly ordinary citizens become 12 angry jurors

A 19-year-old man has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of his father. "He doesn't stand a chance," mutters the guard as the 12 jurors are taken into the bleak jury room. It looks like an open-and-shut case—until one of the jurors begins opening the others' eyes to the facts.

"This is a remarkable thing about democracy," says the foreign-born juror, "that we are notified by mail to come down to this place—and decide on the guilt or innocence of a person; of a man or woman we have not known before. We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict. We should not make it a personal thing." But personal it is, with each juror revealing his or her own character as the various testimonies are re-examined, the murder is re-enacted and a new murder threat is born before their eyes!

Tempers get short, arguments grow heated, and these seemingly ordinary citizens become 12 angry jurors. The jurors' final verdict and how they reach it—in tense scenes that will electrify you and keep them on the edge of your seat—add up to a fine, mature piece of dramatic literature, an experience you'll not want to miss.

Ticket prices* are $28 for Adults and $19 for Students.

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  • Cast
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Meet the characters of 12 Angry Jurors!

Foreman of the Jury - Ellen Peronto
Juror #2 - Jim Zdziarski
Juror #3 - Bekah Wiesner
Juror #4 - Ann Wolf
Juror #5 - Jessica Iannitello
Juror #6 - Rico Robbins

Juror #7 - David Bouffard
Juror #8 - Threse Colton
Juror #9 - Walt Gregorski
Juror #10 - Stetz Smith
Juror #11 - Walt Colton
Juror #12 - Joey Simmons

Additional Characters
Guard - Roger Bennin
Judge (offstage) - Steve Devine (recorded)
Clerk (offstage) - Warren Schmidt (recorded)

Producer Director

Producer - Luan J. Leonardelli
Director - Warren Schmidt
Stage Manager - Steve Devine
Set Design - Warren Schmidt
Master Builder - Tom Bartelme
Set Decorator - Luan J. Leonardelli

Costume Master - Claran LaViolette
Makeup & Hair Design - Bekah Wiesner & Morgan Wiesner
Lighting Design - Warren Schmidt
Lighting Technician - Roz Vossen
Sound Technician - Anton Chilinski

Crew members include - Jim Wochos, Jim Zdziarski

Open Auditions for 12 Angry Jurors

The Masquers, Inc. Community Theater Company, held auditions for the first production of our 94th season, 12 Angry Jurors, the week of September 3rd. Please see the cast page for more information on who was cast.